Thursday 20 March 2014

Αποστολή στη Νότια Αφρική [B']

Αισθάνομαι για άλλη μια φορά την υποχρέωση να αναφερθώ στον φωτισμένο αυτό νέο, που ακούει στο όνομα Lewis Sweeney, και που είχα την ευλογία να βαπτίσω πριν από αρκετά χρόνια.  Ο Lewis ως γνωστόν βρίσκεται στη Νότια Αφρική, προσφέροντας εθελοντικές υπηρεσίες σε νεαρούς που έχουν ανάγκη.

Στο τελευταίο του μήνυμα αναφέρει τα εξής:

Below is my mid year update. Sorry if it is a little late. It took me ages to write because  laptop screen has broken and I am left with about 3 square inches of viability which makes skyping home and just about everything else near impossible! 

UPDATE - Half Way Through 

South Africa is truly amazing and my bond with her grows stronger every day. I have been here for a little over six months now and so much has changed both within myself and indeed in my life. I recently accepted an offer from the University of Westminster to study a joint honours in Development Studies and International Relations. This experience has given me a direction on life and I want to follow a career in NGO management particularly in the field of refugees and displaced persons.  

The other big change in my life is that in January I was joined by a Project Trust partner. Since Luke's arrival my role here has become more and more effective as we bounce off each other with ideas and child care methods. His presence has also put an end to the loneliness that was beginning to creep in. We are also there to support each other at the end of a bad day.  

With less than 6 months to go I am dreading August and indeed my final goodbye to these boys that I care for so deeply. They present some of the greatest challenges I will ever have to face but at the same time they give my life indescribable meaning. I cannot imagine my life without them and I will spend the next 6 months cherishing every moment. 

Thank you so much for making this experience possible. My life has been impacted so positively and I hope I have had the same impact on these boys. 


Lewis Sweeney 

Boys' Town Magaliesburg 

Όπως βλέπουμε ο αγώνας του αγαπητού μας Lewis συνεχίζεται αμείωτος. Τα όνειρά του για το μέλλον, τα σχέδιά του για τις σπουδές και για τις άλλες επιδιώξεις του φανερώνουν έναν νέο άνθρωπο γεμάτο ζωή, γεμάτο ευαισθησίες και αγάπη για τον συνάνθρωπο. Είθε, ο Άγιος Θεός μας να του προσφέρει καλή υγεία και τον εμπνεύσει κι ενδυναμώσει να επιτύχει τους υψηλούς στόχους του...

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